Karin the Blood-Giving Vampire (2005-2006) is a Japanese teen vampire series based in contemporary Japan. It derives from the manga, Chibi Vampire, and the anime adaptation contains 24 episodes.
Karin Maaka is the eldest daughter of a family of blood-sucking vampires. She is not a normal vampire. She suffers from an odd condition: she does not feed on blood; she actually over-produces it! She must bite others to control her condition (nose-bleeds are the side effects). Unlike her family, she can attend school like a normal teenage girl in the daytime. However, her life changes forever when a new transfer student arrives at her school.
Kenta Usui is the new transfer kid who has big eyes and spiky hair. Unfortunately, Karin suffers nose-bleeds around his presence. She tries to avoid him but they share the same class and work schedule. Karin's older brother, Ren, wants to erase his memory but Anju, Karin's younger sister, stops him. The family decide Kenta can be Karin's ally during the daytime while they are asleep and vulnerable. As they become friends, they eventually fall in love with each other.
More obstacles lay in their way. Per the request of her uncle, Yuriya, a human-vampire hybrid, spies on her. She disapproves of the relationship because hybrids are sterile. Furthermore, someone kidnaps Karin when it is later revealed her strange condition can cure the sterility that plagues vampires at the cost of her life. Can Kenta rescue his love before it is too late?
Karin, the Blood-Giving Vampire is an amusing teen vampire drama that will please everyone. The animation may seem weird in the beginning, but it has its funny moments as the storyline progresses. The Maaka family is not evil; they care very much for Karin, and, to a lesser extent, Kenta. You can't help but think Karin is cute with her unusual condition and outspoken personality. I would say this show was one of the best teen vampire dramas. I highly recommend this series.
It is now licensed and available to buy and rent on DVD.
Opening Theme: "scarlet" by BRACE;d